Ladies and gentleman!, i hearby introduce you to the newest love of my life; my darling dearest Josh Goot jacket!!! (cue round of applause) this is the official first wear around the house. One has to be careful of when to wear these things when they cost more than your life! arghh i know but honestly it was love at first sight.
The cut, THE PRINT!
I was walking through the GPO building, studying vm displays for school and the Belinda window literally did an 'hallelujah' to me as I walked past. So I walked past and I was thinking about it like a new crush, I had to see him again. So on a disappointing Monday lunch I walked in, I took the first step and I tried the Goot on. He knew the way to talk to me, touch me, he was perfect. Even with the red and white hounds tooth dress i was wearing at the time it was simply perfect.
So I left and I had to call a friend we approached the Goot together, she agreed that yes we were a match made in heaven. Playing hard to get I left the store once again. Up the corridor in Life with Bird I contemplated; hmm do I need to eat? is it really true love? the sales assistant interrupted by rants 'do they have lay-by?'Lay-by? why didn't I think of that??? so off to see my crush again I barely walked into his front door but simply beckoned from across the room, 'do you have lay-by?' yes, yes we do. Hallelujah! I floated on a cloud over to the register, it was the only one in my size and colour, i was right we were meant to be together. 40% deposit on the lay-by? no worries credit card you got it!! float float floating fabulously deliriously out of the store.
Discussing with friend í'm totally not regretting this decision, i feel really good about this investment'float float float down bourke st mall. Thump, thump, thump arghh what's that feeling, uh oh could it be? arghh buyers remorse, nausea freaking out! half my pay a week for six weeks, oh my god in need of a paper bag. Friend slowly calm, calm, calming me down......
Over six weeks later, i am calm, i am collected and i am thrilled to bits with my purchase! The man may not understand but hey, when do they ever really? So to celebrate the pickup of the GOOT i'll be showcasing some fabulous looks so come back for more because the GOOT will definately steal your heart too.
Lost in Love xoxoxo