Man i miss Sex.
S'cuse the pun but nothing on air these days can quite compare to the spectacular sex and the city was. The friendships, fashion and relationships made you feel better about those moments in life that get you down. It taught women worldwide that it's okay to be single and that you can be both; single and fabulous! It taught us that no relationship is perfect, whether it would be with a partner, a friend or family. Sex taught us to take fashion risks. I believe we should all have a 'what would Carrie do?' moment, because I’ll tell you what Carrie would do; not give a shit about what people were going to say or feel about her outfit of choice. Carrie expressed emotion through fashion. Gosh how i miss Samantha Jones and her dirty, witty comments; "Fuck me badly once shame on him, fuck me badly twice shame on me" Oh and Miranda you stubborn, cynical friend you were one tough cookie but we loved you for it all the same. And Charlotte, the perfect as pie housewife, we will still never forget how your 'vagina's depressed'. Sex and the City you will always have a place in my heart xoxox
There's something about designer goods that gets the heart rate up and pulsing. I've got Chanel on the mind, those interlocked c's can make a girl happier than most guys really know. A brand that is so true to its iconic roots, yet so innovative. Karl has taken Chanel into the future and beyond, pushing boundaries and creating the 'new norm', always one step ahead. Competitors beware.
A lazy Saturday spent toying with the mulberry shade trend. I love the wintery feel of a dark plum lip; little else does the face need when framed by a strong pout. I also love my new mulberry platform heels that were a steal from ZU shoes. After having a vino with a gal pal and completing my housework duties, out came all my knuckle dusters to play. A statement ring gives edge to a potentially dull look and what better collaborated with a mulberry shellac nail. I think this may be my new favourite shade.
Hello fashionistas, it has been a while. Here i am in the Yeltuor boutique i manage in Tassie, trying on a hot pink staple suit, deciding yay or nay? well i decided to take the pants because they will team perfectly with the GOOT remember the Goot? aH ha how could you forget? The sligtly obsessed pictorial i did introducing my baby Goot to the world. Anyway i'm thinking i need the jacket as well but perhaps teamed with a rocking print top; a star printed blouse, or lurex tee? Stay tuned xox