What an eventful year it was. I made mistakes, I learnt from them. I went
forward, backwards and sideways. They said jump I asked how high? Let me take
you through my highlights of 2014.
Single Life
I became a ‘single white female’; I moved out on my own and
had to become a truly independent woman. This was definitely a moment for me to
stop and reflect. I think you should always gain something from a previous
relationship it is not a failure just because it didn’t last. I don’t think it’s
a waste of time, you learn to love someone; you grow together and change
together. If you realise you aren’t so compatible then I think you should move
on, there’s no need to sacrifice others happiness just for the sake of a
relationship status.
I realised just how much you ‘share’ when you’re in a
relationship. You share; bills, cleaning, days off, cooking and snuggles. But
when you’re on your own you have to fend for yourself, I mean groceries,
cooking, cleaning. I realised I’m no Martha Stewart but if I wasn’t going to do
it, then who would? As time went by I began to feel empowered, it was pretty
cool to know I could survive on my own. That way if someone was to come into my
life again then they could supplement it. I’ve learnt to love my own little bachelorette
pad and when you don’t have to share with others, you can make it your
own. I see it as a little luxury that I
may not have all my life so why not relish it.
The 'boudoir'
The 'wardrobe room' |

The best bathroom ever
I made plans and then I changed them drastically. I saved a
deposit to build a house; I even got plans drawn up. Then a part of me went
‘coulda, woulda, shoulda’ and threw them out the window. I went to the hair
salon chopped 25cm of my Rapunzel hair off, walked into a travel agency waved my
house deposit goodbye and booked myself a holiday. Holy shit balls it was
happening; my first solo overseas adventure. For some reason when I was in
relationship I didn’t have the courage to do it and suddenly all I could think
was, what do I have to lose? Turns out nothing.
The Rapunzel locks were getting ratty.
Ready for the chop.
The Rats Tail
The shorter do
My Contiki tour
Barcelona with my contiki crew
My Contiki roomie Brittany and i posing in front of Ferrari's in Monaco
My Destiny's Child girls and i in Nice
Changing Face
Unfortunately yearly highlights cannot all be positive. I
had a nasty work accident just four weeks before my trip away. I sliced my nose
open with a blade the length of an iPhone, lucky for me it didn’t hurt. The
downside was it came with emotional and physical scars. I like to think I’m a pretty strong person
but like many I can be vulnerable too. When you injure yourself you realise
just how delicate you are and suddenly your eyes open up to risks everywhere.
Working in fashion retail there is a lot of emphasis on the way you are
presented and unfortunately having a nose patch, scab, scar opens up plenty of
unwanted discussion. Here I was trying to not let my vanity get the best of me
but instead had multiple people comment on my appearance almost daily. At one
stage I kindly responded to a customer that ‘I’ve decided I’m more than my
nose’, she laughed and appreciated my honesty.
It’s pretty sad but when people constantly
highlight your flaws it begins to be the only thing you see. It saddens me to
say but some mornings I do wake up, walk to the mirror and cringe at my naked
face. It is an ugly memory that left its mark. Going through this I can advise
others that it helps to be respectful and sensitive before you comment on
someone’s appearance, if they wish to share their ordeal with you they
will. It has been an eye opening
experience and I can’t begin to imagine how others feel after severely
traumatic events.
Luckily makeup helps to cover up my scar, i hope to feel confident without it sometime soon. I'm looking forward to what the plastic surgeon has to say in February.
Luckily makeup helps to cover up my scar, i hope to feel confident without it sometime soon. I'm looking forward to what the plastic surgeon has to say in February.
The day of the ordeal
Selfies became restricted
Baby sis supporting me
After the patch came off
On a lighter note a change to face that has been a positive one began with a eye check up after poking my eye out in Paris (another day another story). I thought it would be best to make sure everything was in order. Turns out one eye being short sighted and one long equals blurred vision at work and daily headaches, the solution; glasses. Easy peasy lemon squeazy, this should be fun I thought. I went for my first try on, nothing looked like me, all I could see was my nose and my bold brows were no longer! Bless the sales assistant but leopard arms and I just don’t match. Feeling deflated off I went to the next shop, like the devil to Miranda Priestly the Prada frames were calling my name. I brought a work colleague/ friend in for approval and voila I can suddenly see.......clearly!
Devilish in Prada frames
Losing my falls festival virginity
Yes its true at the ripe age of 27 I packed my goodies and
set off to the most popular Tasmanian New Years Eve event. Its safe to say I’m
no expert at camping , in fact the term ‘rookie’ most definitely applies ...
considering I'm a camping virgin. But determined to try new things I accepted
the invitation/ challenge.
Busting for the loo as we arrived at our assigned camping
spot; off I ran. I exited the long drop cubicle and just like in the TV
commercial ‘Ahh MC Cain’ the rains were there and wet through was my double
denim ensemble! Oh yes the rookie camper did not bring anything waterproof. As the three of us ladies began unpacking our tents (in
between rain showers I may add) the girls looked at mine and asked where the
rest of it was, me not knowing a thing was confused. Apparently $15 tents from
Kmart aren’t waterproof! Deciding not to pitch mine we waited safely in our car
until the rain passed. The other thing that passed was a replica of my tent
flying by!! Lucky I didn’t set that up!
As ghastly as that all sounds I had a fabulous New Year’s
Eve. I slept in the sun listening to the live tunes, drank gin and tonics out
of cans and as the day turned to night I ate; spiral spuds, dim sim's and drank
until my liver said no more. As a friends boyfriends says I even got “balls
deep” in the mosh Pitt! I got on strangers shoulders against my will and smiled
and loved life until the wee hours. Look I’m no camper and I’m not sure if I’d
do it again but it was certainly a memorable experience that I wouldn’t take
The Falls crew
After getting caught in the rain
Venue with a view
Sarah and Kitty
Sun and smiles
So there you have it, the year that was 2014, my highs my
lows. It was a good year, I look forward to the one ahead. X E