I’m well and truly over this weather. I work in fashion and trust me right now; angora, leather. Mohair and silk do not fly in this stifling heat. Yes it means we can have an extended summer of not only increasing our depleted vitamin d levels and deepening our tan in the process but I don’t mind popping my d in the form of a pill and I enjoy a tan all year round, it comes in a pump bottle form. This is due to not only lack of time but lack of desire to have that leathered, weathered skin textured appearance that i prefer in my Prada handbag not in my mirrored reflection.
Yes it means more time to wear cut offs and midriff tops but shouldn’t this attire be left to a salt and pepper film clip?
Maybe I’d feel different if I had washboard abs but to me more is more, unless we are talking bedroom then less and lace well that’s always more....
Oh how I dream of the days of silk blouses, fur vests, pencil skirts and over the knee boots. Hopefully this heat goes right out the window with the midriff baring tops. Who knew I was such an old fart. If you need me I’ll be laying beneath the air-con.... xoxo

Dreaming of Winter fashion wonders: Ted Baker


Tom Ford

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