Tuesday, February 1, 2011

shit storm

Ok so i admit i look like i'm in a shit but i'd just got home from work and it was a 37 degree day so, bite me. So today i decided not only to take my aggression out on the camera but to try something knew with my faux fur vest. A new purchase from Sportsgirl, I'd worn it once and decided it was time to shake things up. Turn it back to front and viola! a brand new look. A staff member joked that I looked like my head had spun around the wrong way from the back but I guess this is kind of a creative compliment?? maybe not. I did wish to wear this look with a strapless bra which did look tres fab especially after my recent gym visits that helped to create an eye full of good back cleavage appearing...but it was 5:50 am on the train and I didn't want to look tres 'whorish'. So i was happy with my creative look but being in a shit loses its appeal after a while, so i jumped in the bath, gossiped on skype, scrapbooked fashion, stressed about not doing 'proper'homework and blogged instead. So better go paint my nails because that is obviously priority at the moment....keep telling yourself that Miss Erin. xoxox